Text English
Twój biznes


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Text English

  1. This section is dedicated to practical actions which introduce a new firm into business trading. It is necessary to make clients and other entities aware that there is a new player in the market. This aspect of starting up a new business is extremely important. It is the market where the new venture is confronted with clients and competitors, and the founders’ business idea is ultimately verified.
  2. Many preparatory works regarding market entry strategy are typically done during the development of the business plan. If prepared correctly, a business plan contains an analyses and research specifying the potential clients, price policy, strength of competition, distribution channels and the forms of promotion and advertising. A business plan should also include a quantitative product-based sales plan for the first several years of activity.
  3. Now it is time to take specific actions to enter the market successfully. The most important ones include:
    • choosing the name of the firm
    • choosing the name of the internet domain
    • registration of trademarks
    • promotion of the new business
    • winning the first clients
    • establishing core business contacts
  4. To illustrate the difficulties faced by a start-up firm entering the market, let us compare this situation to a new football player joining the game. The player warms up outside the touchline. In order for him or her to enter the pitch, the referee orders a short break in the game. In business, there is no such break and players must force their way into the market while the game is on. Moreover, since they are not accepted participants as yet, other players think they can foul them with impunity any time they are trying to enter the pitch. Therefore, to effectively enter the market in such difficult conditions, it is necessary to carefully prepare and coordinate necessary actions and then consequently implement them.

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