Text English
Twój biznes


Od wstępnej koncepcji do biznesplanu
Text English

  1. This section will discuss the basic issues related with the preparation of a detailed business concept, i.e. business plan. It will take place after the previously prepared synthetic, preliminary concept confirms the feasibility of the planned business, both in technical and organizational sense and from the financial point of view.
  2. A business plan is defined as a written document presenting the objective, i.e. what the venture initiator is aiming at, how the objective will be achieved and what business reality will look like afterwards. The notion of a business plan is one of the most frequently used terms for analytical description of a new business activity, in particular of its financial aspects. A business plan is surrounded by stereotypes and misunderstandings, which should be clarified at the beginning.
  3. In a small business community, a business plan is usually perceived as a bureaucratic requirement of banks, investors, institutions allocating EU funds, etc. In reality, the first addressee and recipient of the business plan should be the entrepreneur. It is he or she who not only invests financial resources, but also precious time and at times health, not to mention other (e.g. legal, family-related, social) risks related with running a business activity.
  4. Another misunderstanding concerns the written form of the business plan. It is frequently argued that a true entrepreneur has the idea in his or her head and needs not to transfer it onto paper. However, written form exposes the basic drawbacks of business projects and, at the same time, allows for elaboration and supplementation of crucial details. In effect, only some ideas, which are deemed attractive, survive the clash with a piece of paper.
  5. In the proposed implementation concept, it is recommended for a business plan to be prepared in a base version. Since it is in fact an internal document, it is assumed that it may be condensed and that certain aspects can be omitted or analyzed in a more limited scope. Pursuant to the base version, venture initiators should be able to make the final decision of whether to undertake a given project.
  6. Contrary to common belief, shaped e.g. by numerous business plan competitions announced in the media, preparing a business plan is work- and time-consuming. It frequently requires involvement of external business consultants. It is therefore particularly important that before starting to write a business plan, one should do their business “homework” correctly, i.e. make a selection of ideas and prepare a preliminary business concept.

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