"Warsaw - the Capital of Dynamic Business" - the program has been launched
The Office of Investor Services of the City of Warsaw would like to inform that the program "Warsaw the Capital of Dynamic Business" has been launched within the Human Capital Operational Program, Action 6.2 "Support and promotion of entrepreneurship and self-employment", financed by the European Social Fund. The project is delivered in partnership with the Kozminski University in Warsaw, the best non-public business school in the country.
Detailed information about the project and the recruitment process will be available from 15 June 2009 on the project website www.stolicabiznesu.warszawa.pl as well as on the websites of the City of Warsaw and the Kozminski University.
Below you can find brief information about the project and the planned recruitment schedule.
The Purpose of this project is to promote entrepreneurship and development of dynamic entrepreneurship and self-employment among citizens of Warsaw.
Anyone fulfilling the following criteria can participate:
- Age 18-50+
- Warsaw citizen
- did not carry out commercial activity in the past 12 months*
- one of the following:person in long-term unemployment, employed, professionally inactive, including students.
Warsaw Citizen - a physical person, living in the Warsaw area permanently
Person in long-term unemployment - the unemployed who remain in the register of the District Employment Office for more than 12 months within the past 2 years.
Employed person - is a person employed within the understanding of the Employment Code, especially employed on the basis of an employment contract, draft, choice or a cooperative employment contract and the Civil Code, especially on the basis of Civil Contracts (umowa-zlecenie, umowa o dzieło).
Professionally inactive - are those who are not employed but at the same time do not fulfill the characteristics of an unemployed person.
Students- all those in formal or informal education
The recruitment process will take place in two stages:
- Filing an application
- Interview with the chosen candidates
As result of the recruitment a group of 240 participants (120 in each round). At the end of the training, based on the presented business plan a group of 60 participants will be chosen (30 in each round), and those participants will receive funding of up to 40,000 PLN in two installments to support their commercial activity which will have to be spent in accordance with a signed contract. The contract will include the purpose of funding and deadlines for purchases.
Instructions for the beneficiaries of the Human Capital Operational Program, action 6.2 (including exemplary contracts) are available on the website of the Mazowicki Voivodeship here.
The planned recruitment schedule for the first round of training:
- 15 June - regulations and applications to be found on the project website
- 15 June - 31 July 2009 - applications collected
- 1 - 31 August 2009 - qualification procedures
- 31 August 2009 - Contracts signed
- 1 - 15 September 2009 - the first round of training sessions
Recruitment for the second round of training sessions is planned for November - December 2009
Contact Numbers: +48 225312127 / +48 225312208 / +48 225312355 / +48 225312480
* Does not regard those applicants who in the past 12 months conducted a business activity in another country.