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International collaboration

International collaboration with educational institutions and network organizations involved in implementation of entrepreneurship programs at the academic level

Stanford Technology Venture Program (STVP) this is an initiative of Stanford University resulting in a network of educators around the world involved primarily in technology entrepreneurhip programs. There are regular seminars organized in the United States, Europe, Latin America and Asia facilitating exchange of educational experiences in the field of technology-based entrepreneurship.

IntEnt  is an annual conference, which facilitates the exchange of ideas and experiences in teachin education at the academic level, with particular focus on Europe. This initiative has been launched by Prof. Heinz Klandt with the support of the  FGF - a German association promoting reasearch and education in the field of entrepreneurship. In 2007 the annual IntEnt Conference has been held in Gdansk, Poland, during which Prof. Jerzy Cieslik presented the overall concept of Dynamic Entrepreneurship Program.

INtEnt Conference 2007
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Presentation of Dynamic Entrepreneurship
Program by Prof. Jerzy Cieslik during
IntEnt Conference, 9-11 July, 2007

ERENET  Entrepreneurship  Research and Education Network of Central European Universities has been launched in 2005 with the aim roku to enhance research and teachingo in the field of entrepreneurship in the Central and Eastern Europe. Dr Antal Szabo (Hungary)  is the Network Coordinator. ERENET publishes electronic journal ERENET Profile.

PROJECT on benchmarking of entrepreneurship education in selected EU & North-American countries, Romania

This Project has been initiated by the Romanian Ministry of Education in order to make comparative analysis of the experiences accumulated in various countries in teaching education at the academic level. Based on the best practices assembled, some recommendations will be made as to fostering entrepreneurship education in the Romanian universities. The academic institution responsible for project implementation is the University of Tirgu-Muresh, acting in cooperation with the  ERENET network. Poland has been selected as the reference country and Prof. Jerzy Cieslik has presented Polish experiences during the Conference summarizing the first phase of the Project.

University-Level Entrepreneurship Education in Poland
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Paper presented at the Third International Conference on Economics, Law and Management, ICELM-3, “Petru Maior” University of Tirgu-Mures, Romania, 4 – 6 June 2008



Cooperation with the international organizations

European Commission

The European Commission has published in 2008 a Report “Entrepreneurship in higher education, especially within non-business studies”. Its primary objective was to compile best practices on entrepreneurship education and put forward some recommentations, with particular focus on non-business higher education institutions. Among 10 best practices in the field of entrepreneurship education the Report presents the Program for supporting lecturers of entrepreneurship from Polish non-business academic institutions, co-ordinated by the Leon Kozminski Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management. The Program is co-financed by the  Polish Ministry of Higher Education and Technology.

ERASMUS for young entrepreneurs” this is new EU project, currently at the planning stage. It envisages organization of crossborder European internships, in the existing small and medium-sized companies, for young active and prospective entrepreneurs. The first phase of the Project is scheduled to be launched in the late 2008. Prof. Jerzy Cieslik is a member of the consultative body of this Project.


The OECD Statistics Directorate, in cooperation with Eurostat, has launched in 2006  Entrepreneurship Indicators Programme. One of the key tasks was to develop a set of tools to analyze and measure the role of high-growth firms. Prof. Jerzy Cieslik participates in the Working Group assisting Statistics Directorate in this undertaking. The measurement concepts and tools are being tested in cooperation with the Central Statistical Office of Poland in order to assess their feasibility to be adopted within the Polish statistical system.


UNIDO – United Nations Industrial Organization Development Organization is considering some measures to enhance technology entrepreneurship education in developing countries. To this end a brief working seminar for senior UNIDO staff has been organized at UNIDO headquarters on 29 January 2008. Prof. Jerzy Cieslik presented key issues pertaining to enhancing technology entrepreneurship education and training in the particular socio-economic context of universities functioning in developing countries.

Technology Entrepreneurship - UNIDO
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Presentation on the key issues pertaining to
technology entrepreneurship education in the
higher education institutions in developing countries
given for UNIDO staff 29 January 2008.